United Nations ECOSOC

SimplyHelp has Consultative Status with the Economic & Social Council of the United Nations.
2014 Youth Ambassadors Nomination Activities
What is ECOSOC?

County Of Los Angeles

The Seal of Los Angeles CountyOur organization participates in the Surplus Property Donation Program of the County of Los Angeles. Click For More Information

Projects 2018

2018 Dec. Holiday Events

2018 Dec. Arcadia Arboretum Distribution on 12/15

Dear Friends:
Happy Thanksgiving to you & Family!!!12/15 Arcadia Arboretum distribution, 8am to 4pm. 1st shift 8-12, 2nd shift 12-4. Please sign up with Cheryl. Text to 626-202-2436 with name, # of participants, phone # and shift preferred. Thank you so much!!!

2018 Nov. Distribution for Thanksgiving 11/10

幫幫忙基金會的感恩節Thanksgiving 遊民愛心晚餐與發放。
Men Shelter 300 people

時間: 2018年 11月 10 日 Saturday 3:30PM- 6:00PM
地點: Pathways to Home Emergency Homeless Shelter
地址:3804 Broadway Place Los Angeles CA 90037


Needed used 男士的 舊的 T shirt,Pants, belts, Jackets, shoes, Hats…..

2018 10/26 Distribution in TUVALU

貴基金會捐贈吐國之愛心物資已順利運抵吐國,並於今日 (10月26日) 於吐京港口舉行公開捐贈典禮,本館蘇大使仁崇及吐國內政部長蘇阿里奇等參加,吐國國家廣播公司記者全程採訪。吐國內政部長蘇阿里奇代表吐國政府誠摯感謝貴基金會慨捐此批愛心物資,人民深刻領受中華民國及旅居海外國民對吐國之溫暖關懷;蘇大使扼要說明貴方捐贈此批愛心物資之緣起與各方配合作業,展現我旅美國人之愛心,並肯定吐國政府與人民對我國之友好情誼。捐贈儀式相片附於附檔之中,感謝貴基金會之愛心捐贈。


2018 8/4 Homeless Shelter Distribution on 8/11

2018 7/29 Homeless Shelter Distribution

It was very successful to distribute 375 people in homeless men’s shelter yesterday, we brought toothpaste socks underwear ,cookies ,candy, drinks, sweaters shampoo soaps… and used clothes we also serve hamburger and ice cream for dinner
thanks all volunteers worked hard to distribute with smiles
Thanks donor give us goods to distribute
The homeless keep thanks us


2018 7/28 Homeless Contribution