
Relief Work

Typhoon Morakot 2010
The SimplyHelp Foundation aids victims of Typhoon Morakot by providing tuition and box lunches for 50 elementary school students and 50 high school students, for a period of two years, starting February 2010.

Project Overview

SimplyHelp supports the Chiayi, Kaohsiung County, Taitung, and Pingtung Family Helper Projects in Taiwan to assist 100 junior-high and elementary school children each year. These children come from single-parent, impoverished, orphaned and cross-generational families.

Expected Results
• Improve access for the poor to educational resources.
• Enhance children‘s willingness and confidence to strive for a better life.

Overview of Budget Expenses (As of December 15, 2009)
Funds Raised: $122,755.50
Funds invested for First Semester (2/10 – 6/10): $28,060
Funds invested for Second Semester (7/10-11/10): $27, 941. 63
Balance: $82,085.76

SimplyHelp’s Recognition as a Distinguished NGO:

To view SimplyHelp’s recognitions in Taiwan, please refer to Recognition under the Recent News tab.

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