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The Seal of Los Angeles County幫幫忙基金會是洛杉磯縣多餘物資捐助計劃的參與者. 點擊此處瞭解進一步信息


2012年12月16日 幫幫忙基金會年終低收入家庭聯合發放活動



聖誕佳節最令人期待的莫過於拆禮物的那一刻,看到家人收到聖誕禮物的燦爛笑容,是否令您開心不已!然而,您知道嗎?在我們沉溺於拆禮物的喜悅時,許多貧童卻 連收到聖誕禮物的奢望都不敢有。因此幫幫忙基金會年年都會展開送愛給小朋友的活動。今年是幫幫忙基金會第六度與Foothill Unity Center共同舉辦送愛心給低收入家庭的活動,每年超過八百個低收入家庭皆可以透過此次聯合發放活動獲得火腿、馬鈴薯、南瓜派、聖誕樹等禮物來度過一個 歡樂的聖誕節。此外今年約有二千五百名低收入家庭的小朋友也可透過這次活動獲得衣服、玩具與文具,活動當天還有許多義工與聖誕老公公一起互動。

今年年終佳節發放定於十二月十六日星期天上午九點到下午六點,主辦單位將透過洛杉磯政府慎選出八百個迫切需要幫助的低收入家庭來阿凱迪亞市孔雀園參加一年一度的年終發放活動。並邀請年滿十八歲 的成人能踴躍參與義工;協助將來自社區的愛心傳送到低收入家庭的貧童手中。(須先報名 amy@simplyhelp.org, no walk in basis)

我們會收集新玩具給那些無法負擔的貧童,讓他們在這個歡樂佳節的時候不會因為沒有禮物而傷心。今年南加州中國大專院校聯合校友會與幫幫忙基金會首次合作舉辦送愛心給低收入家庭的活動。幫幫忙基金會會長鲍潘曉黛再度提出呼籲 「希望民眾以及廠商能夠將狀態良好的玩具以及學用品捐贈給這些需要的家庭,希望大家能邀請周圍朋友協助同樣生活在洛杉磯社區的民眾」
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SimplyHelp Foundation幫幫忙基金會www.simplyhelp.org ( 總會位於加州洛杉磯),為一非營利組織,透過建置職訓學校與老人收容所,以及參與20多個國家的救災和物資發放活動,致力以實際的行動改善各地貧民的生活。

若您願意捐款協助洛杉磯低收入家庭,你可上網捐款 www.simplyhelp.org
或是將您的支票寄到SimplyHlep Foundation, 121 S. Hope St#406, Los Angeles, CA 90012 或是來電(213)626-7676


活動地點:阿凱迪亞植物園 301 North Baldwin Ave, Arcadia, CA 91007

* 總共2500份的目標,請公司行號、社區團體或是熱心民眾踴躍參與,請與Amy接洽提前告知你所募捐的數量 213-626-7676 or amy@simplyhelp.org 。

*欲參與義工請於12/16/2012到阿凱迪亞植物園側門報到,請提早將聯絡資料寄到 amy@simplyhelp.org ,註明 “植物園發放義工報名-早班、午班、或是晚班” (no walk-in basis)

*志工分成三班(9:00-12:00PM, 12:00-3:00PM, 3:00-6:00PM),最需要協助的是晚班(3:00-6:00 PM)

*若有符合低收入家庭標準家庭欲報名參加此次發放活動,請聯絡Foothill Unity Center 626-584-7420(英文) 或是參考網站www.foothillunitycenter.org

2012-11-27 Urgent!! Donations Needed for this Sunday!!

2012-11-27 2012-11-27 Urgent!! Donations Needed for this Sunday!!

2012-11-19 Fundraising Event at New Jersey - Thank you all for your support!!

2012-11-01 View all photos of fundraising event at New Jersey

2012-11-19 in facebook

2012-10-30 Wish List for Senior Center N. 4 Zaragoza

Dear All,

Our 4th senior center in El Salvador will be complete on Decemver 7th, we have been building senior centers since 2004, with a second center in 2005, and a third in 2010. The first and second are in Lourdes,Colon, La Libertad, the third in Cojutepeque, Cabanas, and the fourth in Zaragoza, La Libertad.

Our New Jersey volunteers have devoted themselves toward raising funds to finish this project. We are planning a grand opening on Dec. 7th, 2012.

We are one step closer to get these seniors to move in. Here is a wish list for our senior center no. 4th before the grand opening.
Our goal is to raise the fund by December 7th.

Let us work hard to get it done.

The fund we raise will purchase items below: Blankets, Towels,Pillows And Pillow cases,Microwave,Coffee maker(40 cups),Silver Ware,Plates And Soup Bowls,Cups And Saucers,Pitchers, Glasses, Blender,Small Oven(Electric)Kitchen Knife,Potts,Kitchen Utensils,Table Clothes,Wooden Spoons,Trash Can,Dressers And Night Table.

Thank you so much for your generousity.
Tina Bow
SimplyHelp Foundation
Founder & President

2012-10-29 Grand Opening Ceremony of new SimplyHelp Computer Training Ctr. in Battambang, Cambodia

Dear All:
1. Since I almost had no information regarding the new training center before I met Mr. Vuthi. The following article is an outline based on the information I got from Mr. Vuthi and after short conversation with Pastor Kosal, Mr. Ponlork & Mr. Tevin from CBIRD Micro Finance Co., LTD. and new instructor Mr. Pisey. Please help me to add necessary detail information and correct whatever is necessary.
2. The information for those who involve in new location and new operation for SimplyHelp Computer Training Center: ( It is not polite to call people by last name for Cambodian. Whoever feel SimplyHelp need to keep their contact information, please do so)
* Mr. Vuthi (Mr. Vuthi Seng), former person in charge of SimplyHelp Computer Training Center in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
* Pastor Kosal (Mr. Kosal Hun), Trinitiy Lutheran Church Battambang, provide new classroom and facilities. E-mail:kosalhun@yahoo.com
* CBIRD Micro Finance Co., LTD. – Cambodia Business Integrated in Rural Development Organization, Co-Sponsor of SimplyHelp Computer Training Center in Battambang, Cambodia. The Organization is in charge of setup and selects qualified instructor at new location.
* Mr. Michael (Mr. Michael Tam), from CBIRDMF, provided the connection between SimplyHelp and Trinity Lutheran Church Battambang.
* Mr. Tevin (Mr. Tevin Kim), HR Assistant, CBIRDMF, represented Mr. Michael and spoke at the new opening ceremony. E-mail:kimtevin@gmail.com
* Mr. Ponnlork (Mr. Ponlork Sok), CBIRDMF, has been in Battambang for a month to setup all computer equipements, files and library. E-mail:sok.ponlork@gmail.com
* Mr. Pisey ( Mr. Pisey Thorng), new instructor.
3. Total 38 students register for the first class at new center. Classes will be offered every afternoon Monday through Friday and whole morning and afternoon on every Saturday. New Center address is:
Trinity Lutheran Church Battambang, #358 G. 16, AVG, Ochar, Battambang, Cambodia
1. Key speakers – Pastor Kosal, Mr. Vuthi, Mr. Tevin, Daphne represent Tina Bow
2. Since I do not know Cambodian, Mr. Vuthi will provide details text of each person’s speech.
3. The outline of my speech is as follow (Mr. Vuthi helped to translate and add detail information into Cambodian):
* I am so glad to have this opportunity to represent Tina Bow, the founder of SimplyHelp, to join this ceremony.
* I believe God has his own purpose to lead our School to Battambang. Because I can feel young people here need this learning opportunity more than that of for people in the big city.
* Appreciate CBIRD Finance to provide us the connection and chance to let SimplyHelp Computer Training Center be able to be operated continuously. And let more and more young people to obtain new computer technology which will be able to help themselves and their family to get a better life in the future.
* Without Pastor Kosal and all church members’ fully supports, our students will not be able to have such nice classroom and facilities to use.
* Appreciate Acer Computer to donate all computer equipments.
* Thank all Simplyhelp donors and volunteers for supporting this project.
* I also want to use this chance to show our appreciation to Mr. Vuthi and his co-workers for their ten years time and efforts. We are glad Mr. Vuthi will work with us in Los Angeles soon. But I believe all graduated students will miss him.
* Many thanks! Let us keep working together to make this School growing stronger and larger.
* May God bless all of us!


(Sorry, the date/time in the camera didn’t set correctly!)
2012-10-21 View all photos

2012年10月6日 幫幫忙星期六幫助無家可歸者

經濟寒冬加劇,聯邦與加州政府刪減許多教育與社會福利的補助。其中更包含遊民收容所每年的營運預算。洛城許多歷史悠久的非營利慈善機構面臨無法繼續慈善服務的困境,新印象無家遊民緊急收容所便是其中的一個例子,以往收容所每晚收留約六百名的遊民,其中一半為婦女,婦女中最年長的為93歲。收容所為他們提供緊急的庇護與社工服務;遊民中以年長、年幼者與婦女由於無法保護自己,在失業無家人口中風險最高的族群,尤其婦女在暗夜街頭更容易成為暴力與毒品控制的受害者,洛杉磯市目前估 計共有約五萬一千的無家人口。
在經濟不景氣以及聯邦與州政府社會福利預算大量刪減的狀況下,許多慈善組織面臨需要被幫助對象增加以及營運經費短缺的雙重困境。新印像收容所(New Image Emergency Shelter)原本每晚收容六百人而被迫刪減到四百三十六人。收容所由於聯邦經費短缺已經整整三個月無法提供遊民所需的營養,此外婦女服務人數更從原本的三百人到每晚一百五十人。創辦人布蘭達女士提到「政府官員持續的提醒我們減少服務人數,然而眼看許多到收容所請求幫助的人身上帶者被揍的瘀痕、或是被強暴的恐懼;儘管我們已經沒有能力去提供更多的餐點,我們希望起碼能提供他們一個安全的休息場所,讓他們感受像家一樣的溫暖」。
本周六下午五點(十月六日)幫幫忙基金會將進行第一波援助與發放,將收容所所需的三個月食物以遊民的民生用品送交給收容所雙胞胎創辦人布蘭達與琳達威爾森女士(Brenda Wilson and Lynda Wilson)。幫幫忙基金會義工將發放牙膏、肥皂、罐頭食品、背包與襯衫等物品;另外當天義工也將提供熱餐服務。
鮑會長特別鼓勵食品公司或是超市老闆「若您有快要過期卻還沒過期,品質良好的食品,請考慮好好的資源利用,將他們捐出幫助有需要的人」。另外也邀請愛心人士參與義工與捐款行列,更多資訊請參考網站WWW.SIMPLYHELP.ORG 或是來電213-626-7676

2012-08-11 5th Annual Summer Street Fair Distribution

幫幫忙基金會將於八月十一日上午十點至下午兩點協助位於長灘市的柬普寨移民社區聯合組織 (United Cambodian Community)共同舉辦第五屆的夏季街道園遊會 (5th Annual Summer Street Fair),活動地點沿著長灘市的 Dawson 街,從 Dawson和Anaheim街口 (2201 E Anaheim St., Long Beach, CA90804) 開始。




您的愛心可以幫助世界上許多在貧苦和困難中掙扎的人,幫幫忙基金會期待您的參與和加入,聯絡電話 (213) 626 7676 或電郵至 daphne@simplyhelp.org.

5th Annual Summer Street Health Fair Distribution
* Time: Saturday, August 11, 2012 from 10am to 2pm
* Place: 2201 E Anaheim St. (corner of Dawson St. & Anaheim St.), Long Beach, CA90804