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The Seal of Los Angeles County幫幫忙基金會是洛杉磯縣多餘物資捐助計劃的參與者. 點擊此處瞭解進一步信息


2016 6/8 基金會巴拿馬2015援贈物資報告

2015 12/19 distribution for single mothers and their children

12/19/15 Simplyhelp分發禮物和比薩午餐給23個無家可歸的單身母親和她們的孩子在LA的收容所。


2015 12/19 Christmas Distribution (2015 聖誕分發)

2015 11/25「幫幫忙基金會」(SimplyHelp Foundation)年度晚會

2015年週六11月14日 SimplyHelp基金會感恩節分發

幫幫忙基金會為迎接感恩節來臨,將在 11/14 時間:下午4:15到5點
地點於: Pathways to Home Emergency Homeless Shelter



2015 Nov. Zaraoza distribution

This is our distribution in Zaragoza, El Salvador, with Mayor Carlos Guevara. Three years ago we established a computer school there for poor youths. They have since increased the computer program to three classes a day, with a weekend class, too.
We went up into mountains to distribute our donations of bags of food and bags of clothing for 120 poor families.

2015 Nov. woman abuse center distribution in El Salvador

In San Salvador we distributed goods for the benefit of 6000 homeless children and a home for abused women. These support programs were organized by the Vice President’s wife, Elda Galdis Tobar Ortiz. We provided sandals, shoes, ceramic gift items, clothing, kitchenware, hats and a variety of other items. We also donated 10 computers this year to develop their vocational skills to aid them in job searches and help break the cycle of poverty.