United Nations ECOSOC

SimplyHelp has Consultative Status with the Economic & Social Council of the United Nations.
2014 Youth Ambassadors Nomination Activities
What is ECOSOC?

County Of Los Angeles

The Seal of Los Angeles CountyOur organization participates in the Surplus Property Donation Program of the County of Los Angeles. Click For More Information

SimplyHelp In The Press

Due to the global and urgent nature of our work, the SimplyHelp Foundation is frequently mentioned in various press and media outlets. This page represents an ever growing archive of print, online news services, videos and other online media that highlight SimplyHelp projects and events.

2024 5/1 Donation ceremony of the Embassy in Guatemala

The Embassy in Guatemala, on behalf of the non-governmental organization “Cao Zhongzhi Educational Foundation” and the “SimplyHelp Foundation”, co-hosted the meeting with the “Social Work Bureau of the Office of the First Lady” (SOSEP) of the Presidential Palace of Guatemala. Joint donation ceremony for three love containers

2024 2/7 Simplyhelp In The Press

2023 12/20 US Health Lift Style News-幫幫忙基金會與Foothill Unity Center共同舉辦送愛心給低收入家庭的活動

2023 12/20 WorldJournal News - 幫幫忙基金會送糧送菜 近千戶低收入歡喜過節

2023 12/20 Chinese News USA -幫幫忙基金會與Foothill Unity Center共同舉辦送愛心給低收入家庭活動

2023 12/20 Epochtime News

2023 7/25 東森美洲電視ETTV America -幫幫忙基金會發起

幫幫忙基金會發起 “幫助緬甸難民”籌募活動