Project Log: 2004

Project Log: 2004

This is the complete log of SimplyHelp projects and activities that occurred during the year 2004.

December Activities

The Mio Tribe at northern border of Thailand had been living in a refugee camp since WWII. But then the camp was tied down by Thailand government and ended up at Fresno. They have no job skills to find a job and are dependent upon charity for survival. SimplyHelp is going to spend Christmas holiday with them and give out a lot of sandwiches, food, clothes and toys. The canned food was donated by Big Lots, rices was donated by Chinese temples.

12/04/04 Click Here To See A Press Clipping For This Event!
Some Philippine soldiers who have returned to United States after WWII are living in poverty and still have no legal status and family. 40 lbs. of food a month from Pilipino Charity Food Bank were prepared. SimplyHelp prepared 400 sandwiches , drink, rice and clothes for them. Sandwiches was donated by Wand Enterprises, the Miss Hu sisters and an anonymous donator.

November Activities

A 40-ft. container was sent out to El Salvador by SimplyHelp. There are needed food, clothes and toys in the shipment. One-third of canned food was donated by Kevin Hong, 225 boxes of new clothes was donated by Mr. Tsai of Joy Mark Inc.

SimplyHelp sent out a 40-ft. container to Nicaragua. There are food, 84 boxed of new clothes, 198 used clothes, 50 boxes of toys and 52 boxes of computer equipment. To help the local for better job skills, SimplyHelp is going to open up a computer and sawing classes in Nicaragua.

SimplyHelp shipped a 40-ft. container full of food, clothes and toys. Food was donated by Lotus Charity organization and 259 boxes of clothes was donated by Mr. Tsai of Joy Mark Inc.

There are quite a few illegal immigrants from Lancaster who are living in the Los Angeles area. For many of them, every day is a struggle to survive. SimplyHelp has been donating rice food and clothes on Thanksgiving day for the past two years.

October Activities

The Chairman of New Jersey Branch of SimplyHelp held an fund raising party. More than two hundred people attended the event and more than 6,500.00 was raised, and all the donation was used for charity purpose. In the party, Former El Salvador first lady Elizabeth De Calderon Sol, ambassador from El Salvador Carmen Maria Gallardo De Hernandez and Vice-Ambassador of Nicaragua Mario Castellon made speech and thanked the people for generous donation. The chairman of SimplyHelp Tina Bow and secretary Mr.E in the party as well.

September Activities

SimplyHelp sent another 40-ft. container to El Salvador containing clothes, food, toys, handbags, and building materials, etc. Chateau International Inc. donated 1750 pieces of handbags Mr. S.P. Chen and Mrs. Jennifer Lin owner of Decorama Building & Plumbing Supply donate 10,000 square feet of tiles. Mr. Roy Ku donated 42 sets of bridal gowns and Mr. Ho donated 25 vanity sets.

"Sep 10th The United Nation announced Grenada was hit by a category 4 hurricane Ivan, 80% of the country has been destroyed. Hospitals, schools, church, even prisons have been damaged or destroyed. In short the infrastructure of the country seems to be nonexistent."
SimplyHelp shipped out one 40-ft. container filled with clothes and food. Mr. Randy Yang and Mrs. Pei Feng Chang donated 10,000 lbs of rice to help those hurricane victims.

August Activities

SimplyHelp sent out rice, computers, clothes, toys, spread sheets, households,sewing materials to Cambodia. Rice was donated by Hu-Huo temple.

Haiti was flooded. SimplyHelp sent one container of food, clothes to Haiti. SimplyHelp donated 5000 lbs of rice. Mrs. Ming Hwa Hsiao and Mr. Chang Hsin-Min donated 3000 lbs of flour.

July Activities

Volunteers visited Nicaragua distributing goods to the needy. We inspected the roofs and the cements we donated to those 300 families in the garbage mountain. Volunteers visited the first lady Nina promised to establish two vocational school this year.

Tina Bow, Benjamin Weng, Der-Chuen Weng, Henry Du, Max Chen, Michael Marino III, a total 8 volunteers visited El Salvador. Volunteers distributed goods to the needy. We also joined the grand opening ceremony of the Women’s homeless shelter.

Barbara and Edward distribute goods in Cambodia. Tina and Dou’s family donated four tons of rice.

LA headquarter donated another container of food, clothes, shoes, toys, household items to El Salvador.

June Activities

New Jersey branch sent out one container of food, clothes, toys, computers, etc. to El Salvador. Mrs. Pei Fen Chang donated 10000 lbs of rice.

Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in Central America. We donated one container of food, toys, clothes, bicycles, and furniture. Benjamin Weng donated 10,000 lbs. of rice.

At the end of the school year, the SimplyHelp Club cleaned out the boys’ locker room at IHS and washed all the clothing and shoes left there.

May Activities

SimplyHelp donated a container to Cambodia to help the needy. SimplyHelp donated wheel chairs to handicapped. A factory also donated materials to sewing training school.

The SimplyHelp Club at Independence High School in San Jose, held another two 3-day clothing drives.

April Activities

Thanks to Orange county’s Lions club and New women’s Club hosted Love charity ball raising $12000.00. All donated money were donated to Somalia’s local Hospital for purchasing hospital beds, equipments and medicines.

98% of the graduates from the sewing training school in Cambodia found jobs. SimplyHelp will establish a second tailoring training school in Cambodia. SimplyHelp hopes it can train more people and guarantee them a job job. Sewing machine donated by Mrs. Du. Tuitions were sponsored by Wang’s Corp.

January Activities

SimplyHelp New Jersey host New Year party raising $12,000 to cover 2004’s freight cost. Over 300 guests attended the party. Homdel dancing group, Bergen, Chinese Lion dance group, YaHwa musical group provided excellent programs. Chateau Inc. Mr. Yang donated 500 handbags. Owner of Birchwood Manor Mr. Michael Marino II donated $6000.

SimplyHelp headquarters in Los Angeles donated another container of food, clothes, toys to those flood victims in Dominica.

Dominica was flooded, over five thousand people lose their homes. SimplyHelp New Jersey donated one container of food, clothes and toys to assist flood victims. Mrs. Pei Fen Chang donated 1000 lbs of rice.

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