Projects 2015

2015 Oct SimplyHelp Distribution in El Salvador (Report)

2015 Oct SimplyHelp Distribution in El Salvador

We arrived on Oct 29th in El Salvador to distribute the Senior Center container which we loaded on Oct. 3rd. The contents were clothing, bedding, diapers, walkers, kitchen appliances, kitchenware, blankets, canes, folding tables and chairs, kitchen cookware, washing machines, towels, socks, portable toilets, waterproof sheets, shoes, slippers, hydrothermal cushions, caps, cleaning supplies and tools. The total shipment was valued at $90,440.00

In the city of Colon, El Salvador, we have three senior centers and we are adding a Computer Training Program. Our distribution there aided 120 families by providing them with bags of food and clothing.

We also have vocational schools in cooperation with the ex-First Lady of El Salvador, Dona Ely de Calderon, in San Salvador and La Libertad for cooking, sewing, computer training, and maid services courses. We met with all the students in their classrooms. The school services poor young people tuition-free to learn a skill in three months, after which they can generally support themselves or assist their families with expenses. We also distributed a one-month’s supply of food to 250 poor families, as certified by the Mayor, Miguel Jimenez.

Additionally, we distributed to our second vocational school in San Salvador, which was started eight years ago. Both school graduates 500 students yearly, and the feedback from student testimonials is very positive.

In San Salvador we distributed goods for the benefit of homeless children and to a home for abused women. These support programs were organized by the Vice President’s wife, Elda Galdis Tobar Ortiz. We provided sandals, shoes, ceramic gift items, clothing, kitchenware, hats, backpack and a variety of other items. We also donated 10 computers this year to develop their vocational skills to aid them in job searches and help break the cycle of poverty.

In Cojutepeque, El Salvador, we have had a computer class since 2006. They now have eight computer classes in operation. We will donate another 10 computers to them for a youth development class.

Our Senior Center #3 is also in this city. The city Mayor found and donated the land to us, and we now have 38 seniors living there. All our senior centers are free for the elderly, as they all have no relatives to provide for them.

We made a distribution to 120 families with Ambassador Lee’s family. We received a very warm greeting from townspeople while we were there as well.

Senior Center #3 in Cojutepeque houses 38 homeless seniors. Centers #1, #2 and #5 have 34 seniors each. The goods we distributed on this trip fulfilled each of the center manager’s one-year “wish list”, which they provided to me several months ago.

Thanks to our local volunteers and Church members, all the seniors are happy and well cared for. The Mayor has also provided additional medical care by having a local nursing school visit weekly to provide services as part of their training.

We distributed in Zaragoza, El Salvador, with Mayor Carlos Guevara. Three years ago we established a computer school there for poor youths. They have since increased the computer program to three classes a day, with a weekend class, too.

We did an afternoon distribution at Senior Center #4, where we have 28 seniors housed. We brought them medical supplies, a washing machine, walkers, toilets, diapers and juicers. All the seniors were so glad to see us again, with our last visit being in February of this year. The manager “wish list” of supplies was completely fulfilled.

We went up into the mountains to distribute our donations of bags of food and bags of clothing for 120 poor families.

SimplyHelp is unique in that no salaries are paid to anyone, and every member who joins these trips pays their own way, allowing all the donations of cash and goods to go for the benefit of the needy.

2015 11/27 新澤西幫幫忙基金會 送愛薩爾瓦多

幫幫忙基金會新澤西分部日前在桑莫塞雙樹酒店(Doubletree Somerset)舉辦年度慈善歌舞晚會,為基金會在薩爾瓦多、宏都拉斯等中南美洲地區的國家援建工作籌款,並解決當地老人吃飯問題。晚會吸引超過300名各地善心人士出席,共籌得5萬多元。

晚會由新澤西小姐朱若妤(Jenny Chu)主持;會長楊經仲介紹了協會今年所作的一系列工作;專程從洛杉磯前來參加晚會的幫幫忙基金會創會會長鮑潘曉黛表示,非常感謝新澤西地區義工的努力和付出,對薩爾瓦多的幫助卓有成效。……繼續閱讀

2015 Nov. Zaraoza distribution

This is our distribution in Zaragoza, El Salvador, with Mayor Carlos Guevara. Three years ago we established a computer school there for poor youths. They have since increased the computer program to three classes a day, with a weekend class, too.
We went up into mountains to distribute our donations of bags of food and bags of clothing for 120 poor families.

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