Sri Lanka
Relief Work
Tsunami 2004
On December 26, 2004, the deadliest tsunami in world history struck the lush, pristine shores of Sri Lanka. The tsunami was triggered by a massive 9.0 earthquake – the largest quake recorded worldwide in 40 years. 31,000 Sri Lankans died as a result of the tragic tsunami. It is estimated that the overall damage to Sri Lanka totaled $1 billion, with a large proportion of those losses concentrated in housing, tourism industries, fisheries and transportation. About 88,500 houses were damaged; of which more than 50,000 were completely destroyed. The tsunami also damaged 24,000 boats (about 70% of the fishing fleet), and 11,000 businesses.
The SimplyHelp Foundation shipped four 40-foot containers with relief supplies to Sri Lanka in response to the tsunami. The containers were filled with various donated goods collected by volunteers in New York and Los Angeles, including clothing, shoes, food, toys, medicine and other useful supplies. Once the containers arrived in Sri Lanka, the Sri Lanka Console and Health Department oversaw the distribution to regions in need.

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