Relief Work

SimplyHelp distributes two containers of donations per year to Honduras with the help of committed volunteers in both New York and Los Angeles. The containers include clothing , shoes, food, toys, medicines and other useful supplies. Once the containers arrive in Honduras, SimplyHelp volunteers oversee the distribution to regions in need.

Honduras is the third poorest country in Latin America and the second poorest country in Central America. Although the government has achieved a degree of economic stability since 2000, progress has not resulted in better living conditions or reduced poverty for the country’s huge population of poor people. Poverty levels have remained essentially unchanged since 1997.

The population is evenly divided between urban and rural areas, but poverty is concentrated in the rural areas. About 74% of the country’s poor people and 86% of the extremely poor live in the rural areas.

Lack of access to land, fragile social conditions, and vulnerability to low agricultural productivity are among the many problems contributing to the county’s poverty.

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