United Nations ECOSOC

SimplyHelp has Consultative Status with the Economic & Social Council of the United Nations.
2014 Youth Ambassadors Nomination Activities
What is ECOSOC?

County Of Los Angeles

The Seal of Los Angeles CountyOur organization participates in the Surplus Property Donation Program of the County of Los Angeles. Click For More Information

Projects 2022

2022 8/27 Current Activity Plan

Simplyhelp Foundation’s current activities and goals

Goal 1: Sri Lanka
After the outbreak of the epidemic, many countries in South Asia have had financial problems. Tourism and tourism have been interrupted and revenue has dropped sharply, which has further deteriorated the finances. The country is unable to face the surge in commodity prices and the shortage of fuel, food and medicine. Sri Lanka is facing bankruptcy. The price of your meal can help with a hospital medical problem.

Target 2: Somaliland
Vasin Market, the capital of Somaliland in East Africa, is the largest market in Somaliland and the main import and export distribution center of Somaliland. The fires that broke out in early April devastated the local economy and left 3,000 families out of work. Your five or ten dollars can help educate women and improve the country’s economy. Buying a sewing machine is a skill

Goal 3: Refugees on the Thai-Myanmar border
Imprisoned in dilapidated bamboo huts in crowded camps in the mountainous borderlands, they are restricted from freedom, work and school, and receive increasingly meager food rations. These refugees are in urgent need of your and my help. The collected materials are as follows:
Pots, medicines, vitamins, medical supplies, food, diapers

Clothes and other supplies are not accepted.

2022 8/27 Foothill Distribution

We are distributing to low income families in Foothill, thanks all volunteers!

2022 8/20 Warehouse Preparation For Foothill Distribution

2022 8/18 Loading Container To Haiti

Due to the epidemic in Haiti and the serious security problems, we sent another container to Haiti today.

2022 8/13 Warehouse Preparation

2022 8/2 Foothill Back To School Distribution

Thank you all for your cooperation today to complete the task successfully. gratitude!


2022 7/30 Warehouse Preparation for Somaliland and Foothill distribution

Today, we’re preparing container for Somaliland and Foothill distribution on 8/2